Saturday, September 17, 2011

eBay's new mission. SICK! Must Read!!!

Since 1997, I've been fighting fraud in the sports card industry for free. I did this on eBay as well and received numerous "thank yous", free eBay buying credits, and support to continue fighting fraud. Very recently I received NINE (9) Policy Violations for FIGHTING FRAUD. Then they suspended me from buying for going after bad sellers. If that wasn't bad enough - when I called to complain regular eBay employees where on my side 100% & told me ny account would be reinstated immediately. THAT NEVER HAPPENED! So I finally get a nasty "Trust & Safety" woman who says the suspension stands no matter what I do??? She wouldn't tell me why. So I call back to speak to a regular employerec who tells me this witch added violations to my account which indefinitely suspended my entire account???

Then I find & everything begins to make sense. Supposedly eBay is going retail only like Amazon & is forcefully getting rid of ANYONE who says negative things, even about their worst sellers on eBay! eBay doesn't want potentioal new buyers to see negative comments and this is why7 they are kicking people like me off ebay forever.

Since 2001, I began getting very sick starting with massively heriniated disks in my low back causing severe non-stop sciatica at age 34. Then came a super rare form of Muscular Dystophy & four massively herniated disks in my neck with one pushing into my spinal cord. The herniations are from Degenerative Bone Disease, not caused by any accident. They are all inoperable because of the MD because they'll never heal right if at all.

Even though I'll never be able to work a real job again since 2002 & am permanently physically disabled on SSD ($1,000 a month)- I still kept fighting fraud for free (mostly on eBay by 2007)spending 40+ hours a week doing the "RIGHT THING" for everyone in our hobby. Then by 2008, I was so sick I couldn't walk anymore. eBay knew all of this & their regular employees always told me on the phone: "you have a stellar Power Seller rating & exceptional performance ratings always as a buyer & seller, we are proud to have you as a member". Then in one swoop, I'm suspended for life???

I'm still getting those Awards in the mail suitable for framing for being such a great eBay member & I AM PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED FOR LIFE???

Leave eBay now or face the consequences when they decide you don't fit their new "business plan". Very soon there will be NO MORE AUCTIONS AT ALL & if that's all you do you may find yourself permanently suspended for doing absolutely nothing wrong!

James McCay
eBay ID- cardcop05

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